I am tired of working at a large corporation, so I'm going to quit. But first, I need to become financially independant. Follow my journey to financial freedom.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Clothes for Work

My husband was laid off last December and has been  out of work for almost 10 months. He found a job and will be starting on the 21st of this month.

But since he's been out of work for 10 months, we're not so sure his work clothes still fit. Today is go-through-his-work-clothes day to see if we have to go shopping. The bad news is, we probably are going to need to spend about $400 to update his work wardrobe, and of course that's going to go on the credit card. His interview suit ($600) is still on the credit card!

I get paid on Tuesday, and I have $6 in my wallet.


  1. Congratulations on your dh finding a job. Hang in there, life seems bit rough right now it will get better.

    Start using laundry at friend's house or even at laundramat, you will save lot of money. Good luck. Truly.

  2. Thanks, Zengirl. It's quite a relief that he will be bringing in money. It's been precarious with me being the only breadwinner!

    I can't believe how much money I was throwing away by not doing my own laundry! I guess these things don't become apparent until you pay attention!



About Me

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I spent 2002 through 2003 paying off $20k in credit card. I was able to do it in 1 year. Now I want to find financial freedom by weaning off my corporate paycheck. Let's see if I can reach my goal of NO MORTGAGE NO RENT

A Year's Worth of Mortgage Payments